CBD didn’t just change our life, it changed the lives of countless others ultimately touched by Green Compass. Like our founder Meredith - before she was able to help others, she needed to heal, help, and love herself first. Through her unwavering vision to spread the hope she found in hemp, she’s created an entrepreneurial opportunity for all the other visionaries, hope builders, health changers, thought leaders, wellness shifters, and dream makers out there healing themselves and their own health.
Our community is made up of tens of thousands of Advocates worldwide. Advocating for their inspirational stories and healing journeys they found through hemp wellness. Advocating for others’ who have yet to experience true wellness. And advocating for others to get involved.
We’re making an impact. You can make one too.

The basics to share and sample.
- 750mg Full Spectrum Tincture Fresh Mint or Broad Spectrum Tincture Orange & Vanilla
- Full Spectrum Daily Nano Jellies Raspberry Citrus or Broad Spectrum Nano Jellies Limoncello
- Collagen Lemon Lime
- Pack of 5 – Full Spectrum Jellies Raspberry Citrus Samples
- +Annual Membership fee of $9.99 per month
- Limited Time Only Four (4) FREE products
- 2 Unwind Jellies
- CBG Serum
- Sleep Better Nano Jellies

For the product sharer
- Mind Bloom Capsules
- 750mg Full Spectrum Tincture Fresh Mint or Broad Spectrum Tincture Orange & Vanilla
- Full Spectrum Daily Nano Jellies Raspberry Citrus
- Broad Spectrum Nano Jellies Limoncello
- Collagen Lemon Lime
- Reduce Cream
- Boost Sleep
- Pack of 5 – Reduce Cream Samples
- Pack of 5 – Full Spectrum Jellies Raspberry Citrus Samples
- Brochure
- +Annual Membership fee of $9.99 per month
- Limited Time Only Four (4) FREE products
- 2 Unwind Jellies
- CBG Serum
- Sleep Better Nano Jellies

For serious professionals and entrepreneurs
- Mind Bloom Capsules
- Immune Bloom
- Full Spectrum Daily Nano Jellies Raspberry Citrus
- Broad Spectrum Nano Jellies Limoncello
- 750mg Full Spectrum Tincture Fresh Mint
- 500mg Broad Spectrum Tincture Orange & Vanilla
- Collagen Lemon Lime
- Reduce Cream
- Soothe Topical Cream
- 250mg Pet Tincture Natural
- Boost Sleep
- Boost Pain
- Boost Immune
- Boost Metabolism
- Bath Soaks Rest
- Pack of 5 – Reduce Cream Samples
- Pack of 5 – Full Spectrum Jellies Raspberry Citrus Samples
- Brochure
- 6 months FREE Annual Membership fees of $9.99 per month
- Limited Time Only Four (4) FREE products
- 2 Unwind Jellies
- CBG Serum
- Sleep Better Nano Jellies

- Samples
- Brochure
- +Annual Membership fee of $9.99 per month
- Limited Time Only Four (4) FREE products
- 2 Unwind Jellies
- CBG Serum
- Sleep Better Nano Jellies

- Online training & meetings
- Live monthly regional training events
- Green Compass social groups
- Marketing assets and tools
- Social media support and assets
- Workbook
- Getting Started Right Weekly calls
- Leadership development programs
- Monthly newsletters and recognition
- Customer Service support
- National Conference and Events
- Online resource library